Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Vision, Mission, and Core Values

We believe every member should know our mission statement. It is a verbal representation of where we are going as a church. In this video, Pastor Lenita explains our vision and mission statement and the direct implications they have for every member of ACB Dominion Center. Watch and post any comments you have.


Make Christ known throughout the world through the multiplication of Action churches.

Our vision is to make Christ known throughout the world through the multiplication of Action churches. Here are some key things you should know about our vision statement.

The vision is Christ-centered.

It's about making Christ known--not ourselves. To do that, we have to train you to share your faith not only by street witnessing but also by excelling and honoring God in the marketplace, using creativity to reflect his glory, doing Bible study at shelters, and whatever else we can do to compel people to know Christ.

The vision is not just local. It's also global.

We want to make him known throughout the world. To do that, we need people with technical skills who can help us utilize the global village called the Internet and Social Media. We need you to think and act but locally and globally. And we need you to be willing to touch the world.

There is a method embedded in the vision--church planting.

Our Archbishop believes in church planting. We believe in church planting as an apostolic, New Testament model we must follow. We must go and reason with the people, sharing our faith to win them to Christ, raise up leaders, and send them to plant more branches.

As a member of ACB, this vision has direct implications for you. How? This is a house where you will be empowered to share Christ locally and globally, and have the opportunity to hone your gifts, develop your character, and serve in-house in cell groups, or in a church planting team.

We encourage you to get involved. Maximize your experience by investing your time and talents by serving in the house, and being intentional about developing relationships and soul-winning. Destiny awaits!


Train and develop Christ-like disciples in their God-given gifts and callings.

Core Values

  • Prayer is our life-line and life-style
  • Valuing people from all walks of life
  • Empowering people to discover and fulfill their God-given abilities
  • Demonstrating the compassion of Christ to humanity
  • Raising up champions through strategic prayer and the prophetic for the End-Time Harvest
  • Building healthy relationships and families
  • Building bridges between cultures and generations
  • Believing God—no matter what!
  • Embracing the Five-Fold Ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers
  • Enforcing the rights and benefits of the finished work of the Cross for every believer
  • Maintaining the integrity and soundness of God’s Word
  • Believing in the demonstration of God’s power to heal and deliver today


Commit the vision statement to memory. Be sure to discuss the implications of the vision that Rev. Lenita identified in the video and how you think they will impact you as a member. Use the comments section below.

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